Sunday, January 22, 2012

PARIS in MIND: With Julia Child

In light of "the city of lights" (check out PARIS in MIND: Tea-Time), I'll continue to explore my fictive journey through Paris! I've been enjoying the book Paris in Mind quite a bit, but I've also been enjoying something else I happened to find the other day at the library. A DVD of the one and only: Julia Child! France must have been in the air that day :)

Even though French cuisine is not the most appealing to me with all the over indulgence of butter and cream (you will seriously find oil with butter, cream, then more butter and cream all topped with lots of cheese in one single dish!), but being with "Paris in mind" I just had to get this DVD of French cooking! 

I have to say I've been thoroughly entertained with it! There is something about old films, shows, music, art, things and people that just mesmerizes me. It's as if they can transport you back in time, and make you feel like you can be part of it. Probably why I enjoyed the movie Midnight in Paris so much! I can totally relate to that nostalgia the film talks about.

Julia Child is simply hilarious to watch!!! She's quirky, clumsy, and has an unique voice that some can find quite annoying (my husband being one of them)...but I happen to find her completely delightful! 

She's so REAL! She's not trying to be funny, she just is! She's not trying to impress or entertain, but she does. It all flows so natural as she burns herself, drops something, flips a pancakes and makes half of it fall flat on the stove top! Or when she prepares something that doesn't work quite as she intended, so she simply changes the dish into something else right there on the spot! She'll forget what she's saying, or say something she didn't mean to say! It's so real. So authentic. So RARE. I LOVE IT! 

It makes the average person like me, who had more than her fair share of clumsiness in the kitchen feel like she's not alone in this fictional perfect world we often get from our edited media! It's the type of reality I think we unfortunately have lost, even with the abundance of "reality TV shows" we have today. Everyone seems to be performing all the time, and it's hard to see transparency in people.

That being said, I highly recommend to any foodie this DVD, French Chef with Julia Child. You'll learn about French cuisine, some cooking techniques and kitchen secrets, as well as enjoy the company of naturally hilarious Julia Child!       

 Here is little one and I watching one of Julia Child's show as little V drinks down her bedtime bottle!

Being in the mood for something French, but not for any of the rich dishes in the DVD, I decided to settle with one my favorite French delicacy: 

Baby brie and orange marmalade! :)

 Couldn't find regular French bread to go with, so instead I got this Country French Bread. It's one of those sweet white breads that's basically the same as eating plain sugar, not great for you health, but soooo good on your taste buds!!! The type of thing we enjoy only once in a while with a guilt free conscious ;)

And since Europe was in the air, I decided to get a Tuscan Rosemary Sourdough bread that was simply fantastic with fresh thyme!

Hubby and I ate these listening to some nice French music on Pandora and dancing romantically in the kitchen, while little one was completely jealous of mama!

Now I just gotta find some time to finish my fictive trip through Paris, so I can move on to a new destination ;)

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